CoolTweak vient d'une initiative personnelle, le désir de créer quelque chose d'utile, de puissant mais qui reste simple à utiliser.

Les tout premiers développements débutent en 2012 et pas mal de chemin a été fait depuis la première version beta.
Beaucoup de travail et d'énergie plus tard, l'application est désormais stable et extensible à volonté.
Les développeurs peuvent créer des nouvelles fonctionnalités, c'est une perspective très réjouissante et le futur du projet.

J'espère que vous appréciez CoolTweak, ça serait vraiment génial de vous voir y participer, ne serait-ce qu'en partageant votre avis.

Yann Kerangueven (gueven)

Créateur de CoolTweak

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Progression de la traduction
English 100
français 100
español 91
português 91
italiano 52
Nederlands 35
Deutsch 16
русский 16









La vie du projet

Sortie de CoolTweak v3.3

This version (v 3.3.0) is stable and becomes the new official version.

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  • Security - The code is now signed with a certificate that prevents all malicious modifications.
  • Custom commands - The code of the scripts can now be embedded inside CoolTweak.
  • Custom commands - The log file path can be relative and contain variables.
  • Custom commands - It's now possible to set a predifined path for reloading file after processing and it can contain variables.
  • Engine - A critical problem preventing the whole set of files from being processed has been fixed.
  • Custom commands - 3 remaining bugs have been solved on custom commands. This feature is now very reliable.
  • Custom commands - An option has been added to ignore content sent to standard error output.
  • Engine - The engine crash after cancelling the processing has been fixed.
Sortie de CoolTweak v3.2

This version (v 3.2.0) is stable and introduces the custom commands feature.

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  • New action - It's now possible to run a custom command (DOS, Powershell, VBScript or executable) on each file during processing.
  • Output options - Ability to run a custom command (DOS, Powershell, VBScript or executable) once on all the files juste before and/or just after the processing.
  • Performance - Live editor startup time has been really improved, and it now doesn't depends on the number of file to process.
  • Install - Correction of a blocking error that may occured during automatical update of the application.
  • Parameters testing - Ability to abort the processing while testing an action's parameters.
  • Output options - New output option that enables to not saved the processed files in order to save them manually with a custom action.
  • Install - Software installers has been enhanced to be always stable on the various possible environment.
  • Install - The new features list is now shown just after the application update.
  • Reliability - 2 bugs fixes for the unexpected crashes of the app
Sortie de CoolTweak v3.0.1 (beta)

This is a second beta version (3.0.1) that fixes problems of the previous one a month ago and brings RAW file support.

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  • New format - Support for raw format files
  • New format - Support for WebP format files
  • Usability - Drag and drop is now avialable in live editor
  • Feature - Exif rotation support for Jpeg files
  • Translations - Missing translations are displayed with their english label
  • Translations - Italian translation improvements
  • Usability - Display of file weight next to its name in live editor
  • Usability - Mouse wheel doesn't make the zoom panel scroll anymore
  • Usability - Fixed display for live action in live editor
  • Reliability - 3 bugs fixes for the unexpected crashes of the app
Sortie de CoolTweak v3.0 (beta)

This new beta version (3.0.0) comes after a long (like 2 years) and silent development period and is shipped with a completely redesigned live editor and major improvements.

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  • Usability - Live editor has been entirely redesigned from scratch
  • Watermark - Within the live editor, watermark previews are available and interactive
  • Watermark - When watermarking, you can now let CoolTweak resize dynamically your logo based on the size of each of your photo
  • Meta data - In live editor, editing meta data of your pictures (title, authors, geolocation, etc.) is possible file by file or by batch
  • Social sharing - Social sharing wizard (to Facebook, Flickr, etc.) has also been redesigned and much improved
  • Performance - Many optimizations of the core processing engine and a better memory management
  • Social sharing - Access to social networks sharing (Facebook, Flickr, etc.) has been fixed
  • Usability - Contributors to CoolTweak’s app translation are better highlighted for their great work
  • Usability - Quick start tours for menu editor and live editor have be prettyfied as well
  • Feature - Color profile of pictures are now fully supported
  • Performance - Acceleration of the first load duration of the context menu
  • Usability - Errors when sharing picture are better handled and retries are now possible
  • Usability - Improvements and corrections on CoolTweak app update process
  • Translations - Improvements and corrections on loading/updating additional language packs
  • Reliability - 4 bugs have been fixed on watermarking process
  • Reliability - A dozen bugs have been fixed on menu editor
Sortie de CoolTweak v2.1.1

This version (v 2.1.1) is stable and becomes the new official version. This release adds many layout/design improvements and bug fixes.

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  • Usability - Many improvements in contextual menu management user experience
  • Usability - A new summary area has been added with menus actions and its output options
  • Usability - A interactive quick start tour has been developped
  • Usability - A new progress window is shown during the processing
  • Usability - A new undo mecanism allows to revert latest actions
  • Homepage - A news feed is nowx embedded in the editor homepage
  • Notifications - Notification popup have been improved
  • Sharing - Bug fix on Facebook new album creation with custom privacy settings
  • Sharing - Moving to https for Flickr API
  • Sharing - Bug fix on authentication workflow
  • Sharing - Bug fixes on Picasa sharing (with a non Google+ account)
  • Resizing - Bug fix on the size of picture after a crop
  • Reliability - Bug fix for the unexpected crashes of the editor
Sortie de CoolTweak v2.0 (beta)

This is a beta version (v 2.0.0). This release brings a fully redesigned menu editor and adds a cool social publishing wizard.

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  • Usability - Menu editor has been entirely redesigned to get more intuitive and prettier :)
  • Usability - A brand new photo publishing wizard has been added to make your sharing easier. Share your pictures in seconds
  • Output options - Powerful new feature that enable you to compress your files and manually set their final properties
  • Sharing - It's now possible to share your photos on Flickr
  • Usability - Live editor has been completely rethinked and redesigned
  • Sharing - It's now possible to share your photos on
  • Watermark - The text can be outlined and have a customizable background
  • EXIF/IPTC - Pictures metadata (EXIF / IPTC / XMP) are now fully supported (read and write)
  • Watermark - A smart auto-adjustment option has been added for the texts
  • Output options - Numerous and handy renaming macros are available
  • Help - Many help button have been added
  • Resizing - Rendering quality has been improved
  • Engine - The notifications can be hidden when the engine starts and stop processing
  • Reliability - A bunch of bugs have been fixed on the menu editor and the processing engine.
Sortie de CoolTweak v1.1.2 (beta)

This is a beta version (v 1.1.2). This release add many watermarking feature options and the notification windows after processing is done.

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  • Usability - Be notified when processing ends or stop all actions with new notification panels
  • Watermark - Add your texte or your logo instantly on your pictures !
  • Usability - Test your settings directly from the editor, what a time saving feature !
  • Installers - Several minor bugs were fixed on the software installers.
  • Usability - Cooltweak now appears on the rick click of windows folders
  • Usability - Availaibility to open a new windows on the results after the processing is done.
  • Globalization - Unicode support in the whole application.
  • EXIF/IPTC - EXIF / IPTC data in the JPEG pictures are now extracted.
  • Reliability - A bunch of bugs have been fixed on the menu editor.
Sortie de CoolTweak v1.0.1 (beta)

This is a beta version (v 1.0.1). This is the first release of the app with already resize, watermark and sharing features.

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  • twitter - Post your pictures to Twitter within a click, it's possible !
  • One click login - Connect to all your favorite websites with a single click, no need anymore to type your login. Life gets so easier !
  • easy install - A new Web Installer is available and allows you to install CoolTweak easily. Another one is also available to install CoolTweak if you have no access to the Internet.
  • Practical side - Several different users (windows account) can now use CoolTweak on the same computer without any security concerns.
  • design - CoolTweak menu editor is getting prettier.
  • Reliability - Bug fixes of the many problems detected by the first beta testing team :)

Envie de tout savoir ?

Un kit avec tous les détails et les ressources à propos de CoolTweak est disponible en téléchargement, servez vous.

Pour toutes les questions supplémentaires, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter, nous serons très heureux de vous en dire plus sur le projet.

Version Web (6 Mo)
Version Print (42 Mo)
Ressources & illustrations

CoolTweak a été primé

L'application a été remarquée et testée par de nombreux sites de téléchargements, ils l'ont vraiment aimé.

Le bouche à oreille est la façon principale qui nous fait connaitre alors n'hésitez pas à parler de CoolTweak si vous aimez.